Huirangi Cemetery

New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand


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The gates of this wonderful little cemetery were donated by the TURNBULL family - siblings Andrew and Sarah, the last of their line in New Zealand. The cemetery land consists of five land parcels with the developed cemetery area consisting of Sections 89 and 90. There is a white painted wall fronting these two sections, with a golden trimmed totara hedge along the southwest boundary of Section 89 and a 2.0m high wooden fence along the rear boundary of Sections 89 and 90. The other three sections are grazed as part of the neighbouring farm. The terrain is flat to slightly undulating with the cemetery located on a high point, not far from the Waitara River, with excellent views of the river, Mount Taranaki and surrounding farmland. The Huirangi School is nearby on Bayley Road.
Huirangi Cemetery, Created by Karanima, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand