Kanchanaburi War Cemetery

Mueang Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi, Thailand


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This cemetery is completely photographed but nice to visit with a very good museum across the side road Some 300 men who died (most from a Cholera epidemic in May/June 1943) at Nieke camp were cremated and their ashes now lie in two graves in the cemetery. The names of these men are inscribed on panels in the shelter pavilion. There are now 5,084 Commonwealth casualties of the Second World War buried or commemorated in this cemetery. There are also 1,896 Dutch war graves. Within the entrance building to the cemetery will be found the KANCHANABURI MEMORIAL, recording the names of 11 men of the army of undivided India buried in Muslim cemeteries in Thailand, where their graves could not be maintained.
Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, Created by EKSNi, Mueang Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi, Thailand