Saint Claire Ross Memorial Cemetery

Brighton, Adams, Colorado, United States


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Take US 85 North to 124th Ave. Go west on 124th. Cemetery is on the southwest corner. This small cemetery was part of the United Brethren Church grounds. The church is long gone, and while the lot is at least 2 acres in size, there is one small fenced-in plot where the graves remain. The markers in the small plot are all intact, and each grave has a matching footstone. No other evidence of grave markers could be found throughout the grounds. The Cemetery is marked by a wooden sign on the western border erected by the Adams County Historical Society. It was placed in 1975. This pioneer cemetery is next to a busy highway. The one plot contains but 4 graves. Three of these are members of the Wolpert family. The smallest marker of the group belongs to a G. H. Long, who died in 1878, at the age of seven.
Saint Claire Ross Memorial Cemetery, Created by WalksAmongAngels, Brighton, Adams, Colorado, United States